Hello Love ❤️,
Today happens to be our third month Anniversary. How time is flying ✈️, it feels like yesterday when we were in Delhi and discussing about our future.
It feels so surreal to think about how far we have come and how much we have grown together.
We have completed a quarter of a year together, and I can't wait to spend many more months and years with you.
Happy Anniversary, my love. 💖
A very Happy Valentine’s Day my Love
This one is a special Anniversary because it comes with Valuntine's Day too and our first valentine together.
Truth be told I used to be less of a celebrator, but being with you has made me realize how wonderful it feels to celebrate even small small things.
But do not worry I won't limit Love to just this day or our Anniversary, I want to cherish and celebrate it every day with you
and not just by grand gestures, but also with little moments that we share every day.
Answer is very simple because It is me ( Lyngu ) 😂.
So here are some reasons why you make my heart skip a beat...
Your enthusiasm after your work to talk to me, always ready to listen to your Professor,
and how you want to do things which include me, be it having dinner, making a planner, take shower, watching a movie, watching reels or just sharing gossip.
You really make me feel special and valued, and I can see how much you care about me and my emotions and just want to make me feel that yes I do matter in your life.
So really thank you from bottom of my heart for everything....
You remember recently during that new job little fasad we had and you said something which touched my heart
" You are my man, I will tell you to do like that, If I have to I will say it."
This touched me to a level you have no idea - I have told you "Hakk Jamao" on me. Keep this in car, do this in room,
we will go to IKEA to change the room. Impacted something emotionally tell me to fix it. I just love these as it makes me feel,
you are making your place in my world, piece by piece.
It's a beautiful, unspoken way of saying, "I'm a part of you, and you're a part of me."
Wait a minute, He has officially asked you to be his girlfriend ( 14th December 2024 ), but has he asked you to be his Valentine ?????? 🤔
Then how come he is wishing you Happy Valentine's Day ???? 🤔🤔🤔
Your are 💯 correct, your man is quite smart but then sometimes he acts like a CHUTIYA.
But do remember he is your CHUTIYA
But today I want to ask you something, and I want you to answer it honestly.
I know you are my girlfriend, my future wife, my love, my life, my everything, but ...
My Lyngu you mean the world to me, and I can't wait to make more beautiful memories with you! 💕
A magical candlelit dinner awaits for you tonight, my love. 🌹✨
After you’re free from work,
I’ll be ready to make this evening as special as you are.
You, me, and a night filled with love. 💖🔥
Happy Anniversary and Valeintes Day My Soulmate✨